Take a look at several High Schools that took the initiative to redesign and improve student preparation for transition to work and life.

High Schools today are all uniquely different and each have their own strengths. If they stick to a given set of parameters and build their program with confidence, they can recruit students into career pathways and make employer connections.
"If you are a new Career Counselor seeking guidance and ideas for your High School with work-based learning, then this guide is a great place to start."
Career Counselor Info-Guide
In a perfect high school setting, there are Guidance Counselors and Career Counselors on staff to provide services and direction to students. Within this YCC model, these two positions worked very closely together and shared many of the same duties. Both may have been assigned specific duties in order to meet the needs of all students. All school counselors help students develop the academic and social skills that lead to success in careers and academics.
One of the newest movements for High Schools is in the area of work-based learning and programs that relate back to a career plan for students. If you are starting a position in the role of a counselor (guidance or career) take a few minutes to review this CCIG (Career Counselor Info-Guide) and see how 10 High Schools in Kentucky built their programs around the strengths of their community with their employers. (#ycc10)